Submit your question for free practical & spiritual advice to be answered on my YouTube Channel: Capricorn Moon Goddess

You can remain Anonymous if you would like to.

  1. Please explain your situation, including all key information but be as concise as possible.

  2. Please state your question that you would like answered about your situation.

  3. Please read your message before hitting submit to make sure it makes sense. This makes it easier for me to understand what kind of advice you are needing

  4. I will select questions weekly & answer them on my YouTube channel. I will email you to let you know if your question is selected

  5. I will provide practical advice and pull 3 tarot or oracle cards for spiritual advice.

*Please be advised: I am not a psychologist or counselor. I am just giving practical and spiritual advice. Questions asking for legal advice, medical advice or spam messages will not be answered. Use your own discernment when deciding if you want to accept the advice being offered. You are responsible for the decisions and actions that you make and take.